7 Tips for Setting Goals for Your Child's Education

7 Tips for Setting Goals for Your Child's Education

Wednesday, 22 January 2020 16:20

With a new year underway, parents have participated in and often endured goal-setting meetings at work and within civic organizations. Many have set goals related, personal fitness and health-related, budget and finances, church and spiritual, as well as reading and continuing education. Setting goals for personal development can pay dividends for your growth through the year. The same can be true for your child's education.

Whether you are reading this at the beginning of a new year or in the middle of summer, this article will help you set effective goals for your child's education this year and beyond.


7 Tips for Setting Goals for Your Child's Education

1) Set S.M.A.R.T Goals

There is no busier day at the gym than January 1st. While January is often associated with starting goal-accomplishing well, February is the month where many begin giving up already. One of the reasons people have already thrown in the towel on their goals by Groundhog’s Day is that they fail to set “S.M.A.R.T.” goals. S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that stands for:

  • Specific: Goals such as “get in shape” are often doomed to fail because they are far too vague. Setting a healthy target weight helps you plan the steps to achieve your goal.
  • Measurable: If you cannot track your goals, it is more difficult to determine whether you achieve them. Rather than attempting simply attempting to read more, set a goal to read 5 books each month, or whatever is achievable.
  • Achievable: It is unlikely you will be able to put more money in savings than your current income. Achievable goals should stretch your abilities, but not be impossible.
  • Realistic: Goals should be achievable and realistic. If you have never jogged and you are afraid of water, this is probably not the year to set a goal of completing an Iron Man challenge. However, a marathon or half-marathon may be realistic.
  • Time-Bound: Set a start date and timeline for your goals.

2) Set Goals that Target Needs

For educational growth, set goals that are related to your child’s needs. You may determine these by talking with your teachers. If your child is not achieving their potential in math class, your goals will be driven by improving in that subject.

3) Set Goals as Parents

Your child will be encouraged by your investment when you set your own goals for helping them through their education. You might consider setting a corresponding goal for each goal your child’s list. Your goals may include:

  • Reading the same books as your children
  • Brushing up on each topic they are studying
  • Following up with teachers regarding your child’s performance
  • Health and fitness-related goals

4) Set Attainable Goals

Setting goals that are realistic and attainable will help increase your child’s self-esteem. If your child is struggling in a subject, it might not be realistic to expect perfection. Work with your child’s teachers to set measurable and realistic goals. Nevertheless, it is important to make sure your student is challenged to strive for their full potential, which is likely greater than they realize.

5) Set Challenging Goals

Sometimes we like to see the boxes of our to-do lists checked, so include items such as making a to-do list, waking up, making breakfast, etc. We might even include routines or things we have already done. It is tempting to apply that attitude to our goals. As vital as it is for your child’s educational goals to be realistic and attainable, they should also be encouraged toward growth and development. If the goals you set are too easy, your child may find it difficult to push themselves toward their full potential.

6) Set Goals for Fitness and Exercise

Fitness and exercise goals impact academics. Proper health and nutrition goal a long way toward helping students study well.

7) Set Goals with Your Child

Make sure your children know your expectations and their educational goals. Sometimes a child might be surprised by our reactions to their academic performance because we were not clear about our goals. Include your child in the goal-setting process and help them set their own.

If you are even considering setting goals for your child’s education, we commend you. Continue investing in their academic pursuits, as it will only help them grow. At Haywood Christian Academy, we help students achieve their spiritual, physical, emotional, and educational goals. Contact us for more information about our school.